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Connect with your Nature and Feminine Cyclicality

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Day and Time: Still to be determined. You can register if you are interested and I will send you the information as soon as the day is established.


Check the schedule for your area here:


Duration: 90 minutes      Location: Zoom (Online)




- What does femenine cyclicality means and why is it important to connect with it?

- We are going to know our menstrual cycle and its 4 phases

- We will see some tools to observe and collect information about our cycle

- We will do some dynamics to connect with the wisdom of our cyclicality, and activate our uterus.

- We will share experiences learning from each other

- This is the first workshop of a 10-days workshops, which I will also present to you in this free session, giving the opportunity to those interested women to continue deepening during 9 more workshops



Join the private Facebook group "Mujeres Naturaleza" or " Women Nature" where we will be sharing information and challenges about the workshop, wisdom about femininity and creating a support network among women







And do not forget to put my email infomujernaturaleza@gmail in desired email so that you receive the confirmation email and the link for the workshop

Thanks for joining me!


Connect with your Nature and Feminine Cyclicality




The course consists of 9 workshops + 1 introductory gift workshop (you can register above), which will be carried out live on Zoom. The days and times are still to be confirmed.


The course also includes a PDF guide with all the course content and access to Drive with complementary material and bibliography. A WhatsApp or Telegram group will also be created for support and follow-up. It is a course for all women with or without their blood and / or physical uterus.




Day 1 Introductory Workshop: Nature and Feminine Cyclicality


  • We will know what feminine cyclicality means and why is it important to connect with it?

  • We are going to know our menstrual cycle and its 4 phases

  • We will see some tools to observe and collect information about our cycle

  • We will do a practice to activate our uterus

  • We will share experiences learning from each other

  • I will briefly share the content of the rest of the course


Day 2: Pre-ovulatory Phase and Self-care


  • We will know in depth the stimulating follicle phase of our cycle, the associated archetypes, and its potential in the creative process

  • We will talk about self-care and vulvar and vaginal care.

  • We will talk about hygiene and ecological menstrual care

  • We will learn how to make our own ecological pads with intention.


Day 3: Connection with our body and rite of passage


  • We will know our 4 bodies

  • We will explore the connection and listening with our physical and mental body through meditations and art therapy.

  • We will perform a rite of passage: menarche. We will reconcile ourselves to the moment when we become cyclical women by receiving our first blood.


Day 4: Ovulatory phase, contraception and creative power


  • We will know in depth the ovulatory phase of our cycle, the associated archetypes, and its potential in the creative process.

  • We will talk about how to recognize our ovulation

  • Natural and unnatural contraception

  • Care and health of our breasts. We will learn to explore ourselves.

  • We will connect with our creative power through the story and art therapy.


Day 5: Emotions and the experience cycle


  • We will talk about our emotional body, how to recognize it and how it interrelates with other bodies.

  • We will talk about the cycle of experience / needs as a tool for self-knowledge

  • We will explore connecting and listening to our emotions and their release through movement.


Day 6: Pre-menstruation and Sexuality


  • We will know in depth the luteal phase of our cycle, the associated archetypes, and its potential in the creative process.

  • We will talk about conscious sexuality, pleasure and self-touch.

  • We will know the parts of our body involved in our sexuality, knowing our body and genitals more in depth.

  • We will connect with our sensuality and sexuality through our senses, meditations and art therapy.


Day 7: Dream Interpretation and Munay Ki Uterus Rite


  • We will connect with the power and information of dreams, learning to interpret them.

  • We will know what the Munay Ki Uterus Rite is and its origin

  • We will see the necessary steps so that you can share it with other women as guardians of the uterus.

  • We will receive the Rite of the Uterus


Day 8: Menstruation and Self-diagnosis through the blood


  • We will know in depth the menstrual phase of our cycle, the associated archetypes, and its potential in the creative process.

  • We will learn to diagnose the health of our organs through the observation of our menstrual blood

  • We will talk about how to promote self-care and eating based on our self-diagnosis.

  • We will connect with our waters with a visualization.


Day 9: Medicine in our blood and intuition


  • We will connect with the power of our menstrual blood

  • We will learn to preserve it and use it for our self-knowledge and healing.

  • We will learn to prepare our own medicine with our blood.

  • We will connect with our intuition through an oracle with our blood.


Day 10: The Integrated Woman


  • We will talk about Cyclicality and Nature

  • We will know our feminine and masculine energy and the need for balance. Connecting with our masculine.

  • We will connect with the transforming and alchemical feminine power through ovarian breathing, feminine alchemy, to integrate everything experienced in the course.

  • We will share and celebrate!



If you are determined to give yourself self-knowledge, self-love, self-care and healing, fill out the following form to register and receive the information for the next edition with a discount gift:



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Get in touch with me

If you are interested in having a first FREE session with me, or have any questions or comments you want to make, I will love to read you!

Write to me through this form, to, or to the WhatsApp number below, and I will answer you as soon as possible

Thank you very much for your query or comment!

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© 2020 Woman Nature

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