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Remember Your Priestess

Individual Accompaniment with Yoni Eggs

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This is a process of feminine self-knowledge where we will remember the connection with our body and sexuality as a form of empowerment and healing. We will connect with our sexual energy, pleasure, self-love and self-care, and we will use yoni eggs in a personalized way with your needs and situation.


Sexual energy is the vital energy that generates life and keeps our body healthy and balanced. It is directly connected to pleasure, since it is the expression of the movement of our sexual energy. Therefore, it is no coincidence that our sexuality and our bodies have been controlled for the benefit of the system, a tool to satisfy others, for the pleasure and entertainment of others. The repression of our sexuality and sexual energy is also causing in many women, infertility, creative blocks, conditions in our sexual organs (PCO´s, endometriosis, fibroids...), low libido or sexual desire, etc.


In this process we will get to know our bodies, recover the sovereignty of our sexuality and remember ourselves as sensual and sexual women, each in our unique expression. We will free ourselves from what blocks our creativity and the limitations of our sexuality, to make ourselves 100% responsible for our pleasure and experience and remind ourselves free to choose how to express and live our sexuality.


Yoni Eggs are an ancestral medicine from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoism, which will accompany us on this journey to connect, unblock and heal our sexuality. We will adapt their use to your needs and process. You do not need a yoni egg to begin this process, as there are different crystals with different properties that can support in different ways. Therefore, you can choose it during the process according to your needs and intention.


In addition to Yoni Eggs, we will use other techniques and tools to accompany the process such as: Alchemical Breathing, Healing of Uterine Memories, Meditation, Dance and Movement, Art therapy, Tantra and Sacred Sexuality practices, and more.



  • You live your sexuality with guilt, shame or pain–

  • You feel that you have blockages in your creativity.

  • You have difficulties manifesting the life you want and deserve.

  • You want to explore, heal and enjoy your sexuality and pleasure.

  •  You have irregular cycles or some diagnosis in your sexual organs: polycystic ovaries, fibroids, vaginismus…

  •  You have painful periods or PMS

  •  You experience infections in your genitals repeatedly

  • You want to heal your uterus from any traumatic experience, memories of pain, energies that are not yours…

  • You feel that sex does not satisfy you, you think that there is something wrong with you, that you are asexual, that you do not enjoy it…

  • You feel that there is something more than what you experience in your sexual relations

  • You want to heal your feminine and your relationship with being a woman, with your body and integrate and heal your masculine finding balance.





This process is usually, at least, 6 sessions weekly or every 2 weeks, of between 1 and 2 hours, in person or online. It will be a safe and completely confidential space, without judgment and respecting your rhythms and needs. Everything proposed in the process will be precisely proposals, promoting internal listening and only exploring or testing what resonates with you. 


This is a slow and subtle process, and at the same time very transformative and profound, which will continue to manifest its effects in your life even after the sessions have ended. Sometimes we will be able to understand with the mind the changes or transformations we are experiencing and other times not… And that is okay, since this is how the feminine energy acts and how we can trust and surrender to it. Therefore, that “not knowing” with the mind will also be part of the process, and we will begin to understand from the body as well. You will also have all the necessary information to continue using and exploring with your yoni egg once we have completed the accompaniment process.


And since I know it is difficult to understand all of this just by reading the information, I invite you to book a free session with me so we can get to know each other, we can share what you are looking for, what I can offer you, and so you can experience my practice and decide from experience if this is something that can help you in your process at this time.


With much love,


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